Hi. I'm Ronnie, and I'm technologically challenged.
I own and run a small business called Ronnie Dolls... If you can't guess what we do by the name, we make dolls. I have a Facebook page, and I will post a link:
>>>Click Here!<<<
Now, if any of you actually bothered to click this, you might notice...
"Your business has very little likes."
Yes, Yes, I have noticed that too.... That's why I decided to make a blog, because I know from experience that people sometimes just fall upon a blog, but they never just fall upon a Facebook page...
However, as I stated in my AA-style introduction, I am technologically challenged.
If you can offer me any advice of how to make my blog cooler, or how to... do anything on this website... I would be very appreciative. Thanks!
Well, I don't know about you, but the lil fishie thing is pretty cool. :)