Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Contest Prizes

Coraline's face. None of the pics with her body would load. Creepy? I think so.

Link, from Legend of Zelda

These are a couple of the prizes from the contest I had last month. :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Facebook Contest & more Dolls

A Doll for my bestie. :) It's her OC Ryan.

Jessie from Pokemon :)

Lil Kimono Doll

James From Pokemon

Team Rocket :)

Howdy Y'all! As you've noticed, my page is lacking some... well... life. So... let's have a contest or two! The winner will get a free doll of whatever they like- AND! (to boost my motivation... haha...) It will be done within a week of their winning!
Soo... contest #1- Referal contest: Whoever can get the most people to "like" this page--->http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ronnie-Dolls/123474227756775
wins! Send out suggestions, and have your friend post on this page saying you sent them here.
(And to those who get refered... you can enter the contests too... the more who compete the better!)

Contest #2- Comment contest: Whoever comments the most on that page (including pictures, status updates, ect.) wins! Pretty self explanitory. ALSO, comments count here on the blog, and on the contest page (link available on fb)

And to make it even more exciting!
Anyone who even competes- I will draw a picture for you.
if you get 20+ referals, I will put you in a drawing for ANOTHER free doll.
AND if 15+ people compete, your doll can be an insanely rediculous request- like a dragon or something. READY-GO!!! (:

Oh yeah... deadline: May 1oth! now go!
Anyone can compete- have fun!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A few pictures

Well, no one has offered me any advice of how to make my blog actually work. I haven't figured out anything besides how to type up posts, and put a fish thingy in the corner of my blog.... someday I'll figure it out.... for now though, I thought you'd like to know a little about me. To tell you, I am going to share some pictures.
 This is a poke-purse. Designed to look like a pokeball, and big enough to hold, the contents of your wallet, and your cell phone if it's not huge like mine is. Very popular at Anime Conventions, however, as I did not invent Pokemon, pokeballs, or anything related to that, i'm not sure that I'm legally allowed to sell these. So for now, I'm just showing you. (I'm working on all the legal stuff, and I'll get back to you later. haha)

Orange Juice Carton Wallets. 'Nuff said, they are awesome, and if you have one, you will be awesome too.

 Meowth Hat. Again, I claim no rights to pokemon, so I cannot sell these to you, but I thought you might be interested in seeing it, because meowth if fricken awesome, and this hat is probably one of the best cosplays i've ever made.
Pirate doll. This is one example of the type of dolls that I make. They are mini-dolls, only about three inches in height, but I can personalize them however you want. I sell them for about 5-10 dollars depending on difficulty of the request. I am currently working on making pokemon character mini-dolls (Yes... I am slightly obsessive about my pokemon... deal with it. :D)

This is my little logo thingy that I made so I could have a profile picture for my failure of a facebook page. I made it in microsoft paint... As you aught to know by now, technology is not my strong suit. If you have alot of random free time, and are technilogically awesome, you could make me a better little logo... I might even reward you! :)

There you go! A couple examples of some of the random stuff that I do...
That's about all I've got to say today....

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

*Attempting to make a Blog*

Hi. I'm Ronnie, and I'm technologically challenged.
I own and run a small business called Ronnie Dolls... If you can't guess what we do by the name, we make dolls. I have a Facebook page, and I will post a link:
>>>Click Here!<<<
Now, if any of you actually bothered to click this, you might notice...
"Your business has very little likes."

Yes, Yes, I have noticed that too.... That's why I decided to make a blog, because I know from experience that people sometimes just fall upon a blog, but they never just fall upon a Facebook page...
However, as I stated in my AA-style introduction, I am technologically challenged.

If you can offer me any advice of how to make my blog cooler, or how to... do anything on this website... I would be very appreciative. Thanks!